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Showing posts from April, 2019

Kelebihan Daun Salam

Jom masak menggunakan serbuk gulai ala nasi kak wok episod 2

Kunyit Hitam

Kunyit hitam asli warna asal daunnya dan batangnya berwarna unggu.Di sekeliling tepi daunnya  berwarna merah tua.Tetapi kadang-kadang warna asal daun dan batangnya boleh bertukar warna menjadi warna hijau. Kunyit hitam (Kaempferia parviflora) merupakan sejenis tanaman cekur yang sangat bernilai tinggi dan diguna secara tradisional sebagai aphrodisak dan tonik serta mempunyai ciri-ciri antiradang, antigastrik dan antiobesiti yang telah dibuktikan melalui kajian saintifik. Tumbuhan herba ini terdiri daripada kumpulan halia yang didapati di bahagian timur laut Thailand dan sangat popular di kalangan kaum lelaki kerana ia dikenali sebagai VAIGRA SEMULAJADI dan telah disahkan ●tiada kesan sampingan. ●Di samping itu, kunyit hitam dikatakan dapat memberi kekuatan dan tambahan tenaga. ●Hasil kajian di Thailand menunjukkan tumbuhan ini mempunya


Selamat malam semua. Jom layan, ;Lagu ini banyak pengertian buat saya.

Womenwill In Sarikei

Hi Assalamualaikum and good evening to all of you. Today i would like share more detail about women will. Yesterday night we have a function in SARIKEI INNOVATION CENTER. And I also one of the speaker. It is very interesting program and i hope they will be a lot of this kind function coming up. the most interesting part of it womenwill is a collaboration with Google Business Group in Sarawak. Only when women and girls have full access to their rights – from equal pay and land ownership rights to sexual rights, freedom from violence, access to education, and maternal health rights – will true equality exist. Only when women have taken leadership and peacemaking roles and have an equal political voice will economies and countries be transformed. As a MOTHER I will wake up earlier to prepare everything for my husband and my children and that is my routine everyday without complaining. By waking up a little earlier, you can start your day proactively and inten


Assalamualaikum and good evening, Hi my name is sheena and I am spices women hahaha, Why I called myself spices women? It is because everything about spices I KNOW.. Ok lets me share about me. I KNOW about spices since I am 10 years old because my mom own a small shop and sell spices. I am the elders from 4 sisters and brothers. I always help my mothers, from there I learned more about spices. Spices can be used for food, for medical, traditional treatment, for beauty and a lot of thing you can used for this spices BUT you must remembers there is a certain amount of need to be taken into account before taking this spices. Comes Check my YouTube video and you feel its is valuable please do subscribe and like my channel.  I love spices and I love to challenge myself for using it myself for example my paste, I like to cook that why I come out with my paste. I LIKE TO SLIM that I try my own experiment and studied each of this products its suita